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Where you want to go?

Plan your trip with our route calculation tool, get detailed and updated directions in real time to reach your destination.

Dove vuoi andare ?

Street washing

Enter the street where you usually park to activate the alert service via E-Mail, IO App or Whatsapp.
You can enter up to 5 streets (the ones you park in most often) and decide at what time to receive messages.
At any time you can modify or disable the receipt of alerts.

Lavaggio Strade

Smart poles

Don't you know how long before the bus arrives?
Has it already passed or has it yet to arrive?
At every bus stop you'll find the new smart bollards, which will report in real time all the routes coming to the stop, any delays and all the times of the day!

Paline intelligenti

Services on map

With the new "Services on Map" service, you will be able to see and explore all available points of interest and buses in real time

Servizi su mappa



Service for free circulation cards only on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m.

Services on map

the service your staff and citizens have always wanted
Servizi su mappa
Services on map

Map of local public transport in motion, information in real time

Ricerca fermata
Bus stop search

Search for the stop of your interest to consult the timetables of the lines

Calcola il percorso
Calculate the route

Calculate the route with the integrated Travel Planner

APP lavaggio strade
Street washing

Enter the street where you usually park to activate the alert service via E-Mail, IO App or Whatsapp.

Paline intelligenti
Smart poles

You will find at many stops the smart poles to inform you about the incoming lines with